1.  General.       A sick reporting slip duly signed by the HM will be submitted to the SMO for the diagnosis, treatment and recommend disposal of the cadet with attend A, B, C, excused shoes, soft diet, Bed rest, refer to specialist or Sick-leave  or M&D. All such cases shall be routed back to the HM and SHM/ Adjt for formal approval, endorsement and follow up.

2.   Hospitalization.  Cadets with severe illnesses will be admitted in the College Hospital. Admitted Cadets will be detained for 24 hours for observation which may extend upto 72 hours (if required) by the SMO for further treatment. In case of further requirement of admission, SMO will initiate the report to be analyzed by SHM, HM and may be shared with parents with the recommendations of further disposal.

3.   Special Treatment / Referrals. Cadets requiring further investigations and Specialist treatment will be referred to CMH Mardan/ Mardan Medical Complex or District Headquarter Hospital according to the requirement with following guidelines:-

a.  SMO shall have the schedule of Specialists at CMH Mardan, MMC and DHQ displayed on the Notice Board of the Hospital for reference. On the specified day of specialist, SMO will send the cadet through College ambulance with Nursing Staff to the concerned hospital for necessary treatment/advice. Parents of the cadet shall be informed by respective HMs, in case deemed necessary.

b.  Cadets who require treatment from Doctors/Hospitals other than Mardan shall visit concerned Doctors/Hospitals during their leaves and weekend. In case of emergency, such cadets may be sent with parents for a specified time, without any leave, after formal approval from the Principal.

c.  No request from a Cadet or his parent shall be entertained to refer him or their son to the hospital of their own choice.

d.  In case of surgeries or chronic complains, cadets may be referred to specialist, as per the desire of parents but with the prior approval of the Principal/ VP.

4.  Sick LeaveAll Medical Leaves shall only be recommended by College SMO, based on the Condition and Severity of Issue.

5.  Based on the health condition of the cadet, SMO will recommend SICK LEAVE highlighting nature of illness, reasons for sick leave, precautions during sick leave, next medical review/ reporting back to ascertain the improvements, and forward to the SHM.

6.  Medical diagnosis, Laboratory Tests, treatment or disposal from other than those specified by the College shall only be permitted from CMH, Agha Khan, Shoukat Khanam, Chughtai and IDC (Islamabad Diagnostic Centre).

7.  Leave / Weekend Policy.  Leave will be granted as following:-

a.  In each academic year cadets can avail one long weekend and two short weekends. This is over and above the College Weekends and must have valid reasons for such request from parents.  

b.  Long weekend shall be availed in case of real brother / sister marriage.

c.  Cadets belonging to far-flung areas will proceed on long weekend on Thursday (after classes) and will report back on Sunday (evening) whereas, cadets belonging to the local areas will proceed on Friday (after classes) and will report back on Sunday (evening).

d.  Besides the sanctioned leave / weekend, no cadet will be granted any leave / weekends.

e.  Cadets bearing poor discipline / conduct or weaker academic profile shall not be entitled to any leave / weekend.

f.  During the exam, no cadet shall be allowed for any leave / weekend except in serious emergency (death of parents / sister / brother / serious illness).

g.  Short leave may be granted for any emergent requirement such as verification of NADRA etc.

h.  No request for leave / weekend will be entertained by the college administration without the formal request of parents.  

i.  Parents will process a written application along with a wedding card to the college administration for the same leave.

j.  Parents / guardians are required to forward the name and address of the relative / friend with whom the cadet will proceed on leave / weekend.

8.  Absent/Overstaying Leave.  The cadet overstaying leave, without valid reason, shall be administered as follows:-

a.           Cadet reporting late on the same day and time of joining college shall be assigned with writing syllabus which includes attempting one time previous papers of all his subjects within 24 hours.

b.           Cadet joining college in the morning before classes shall be awarded with 3 x Extra Drill and attempting previous papers 3 times along with fine of Rs.1000/- and SHM Warning.

c.           Cadet joining the college with a delay of one day shall be awarded 5 x Extra Drill and attempting previous papers 5 times along with fine of Rs. 2000/- and SHM Warning.

d.           Cadet reporting a delay of more than one and less than nine days shall be assigned to attempt previous papers, re-writing of syllabus covered in the missed out days, during sports and movie times, award of 7 x Extra Drill, uniform restriction and fine of Rs. 2000/- per day along with SHM Warning.

e.           Cadet absenting for 10 or more than 10 days shall be penalized with cancellation of admission.

f.             Cadet remaining absent as per para b to d above shall report to college along with his parents/guardians. No cadet shall be allowed to enter the college alone.


g.           Cadets overstaying leave due to medical reasons shall have to submit (in person through parents) a Medical Report along with Laboratory Test Results, within 24 hours from the date of arrival, for sanction of Medical Leave or otherwise. Failing which, the cadet shall be considered ABSENT